Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sunday Funday!

Well, today, I'm starting in on those resolutions. I'm planning to go to mass today. I thought it was at 9:30, when it's actually at 10:30. If I'd realized this 20 minutes earlier than I did, I could've gone to the 8am mass. But I didn't and that's that. So, while I wait for 10 am to roll around, I've decided to share some love with you! :-)

Yesterday, we went to my mother-in-law's house for Christmas brunch. She made biscuits and sausage gravy and then we opened presents with her and her longtime boyfriend. I got a cast iron skillet set! A large one and a smaller one. Both of which are so much heavier than I thought they'd be. lol Hubby got the new keyboard (for his computer) that he's been wanting for some time. We hung out and watched a little tv with her and then hit the road in the early afternoon. She had to work last night, so we didn't want to overstay our welcome. On the way home, Hubby told me that he actually liked MY gravy better than his mom's. OH EM GEE!! That's one of the nicest things he's ever said to me!

I'm going to test out my new skillet tonight. BFF is coming over for dinner tonight. I always feel kinda lame when she comes over. I make dinner and then we just hang out watching tv. I don't have anything really exciting to do, but she doesn't complain. She seems to be happy to just hang out. And hell, a free steak out of the deal, I mean - who's going to bitch about that???

While we're talking about BFF here...I have a question/situation with her, maybe someone reading can help me out. Whenever BFF and I have plans to do something (Go shopping downtown, come over for dinner, go out to the bar, go to the aquarium), she is ALWAYS inviting other people to join us. Tonight, for example, I invited her to come over yesterday. She says cool. I text her three hours later, asking when she's going to come and if she's going to stay for dinner. She says she doesn't know what time she'll be coming, but yes for dinner. Oh, and BTW, the Bulgarian might be coming, too. The Bulgarian is another girl that we went to college with, who I get along with, but isn't #1 on my list of favorite people - I put up with her because BFF likes her and also because I'm too nice for my own good. BFF does this all the time. She invites other people to join us when I think it's just going to be the two of us. I had four tickets to get into one of the museums downtown. We had plans for four people and then all of a sudden, she's bringing two more. Dude, what?

Hubby tells me that I should say something to her about this - Stop inviting people to do things with us when we make plans! And I don't want to do that. But I really would appreciate it if she would ask me first, rather than just telling me 'Hey, so and so is coming too.' Should I say something? Or just continue to let her make all the rules?


  1. You know, for a long time I always brought an entourage...and never thought it was rude. I guess I just had a "the more, the merrier" attitude. But I get what you're saying. Maybe if when you're planning to get together, make a point of saying, "Just me and you, won't that be nice?" Then she won't be offended, but she'll get the point. Hope you guys have a nice time today! Call me when you're free!!! Love you!

  2. No clue what to tell you about your ummmmmm rude BFF, never had to deal with that kind of stuff. But I do know that she will keep doing it until you say something to her.
