Thursday, May 5, 2011

Update on Weight Loss

Well, I'm still going strong.  As of this morning, I'm down 17lbs.  Yay me!

I don't know that I really notice a difference at all.  I guess my jeans are fitting a little looser.  Although, that could just be because I'm on day 3 with these jeans (does anyone else do that?  I hope you don't think I'm nasty for wearing a pair of jeans for a few days before they get washed...I actually read someplace that you shouldn't EVER wash jeans...Just rinse them with cold water every once in a while and air dry...That's a little much for me...).

Anyway, I'm proud that I'm still sticking to it.  There have been a few times where I've been tempted (like last night) to take the easy way out and just pick something up for dinner, instead of cooking, but then I think about the progress that I've made and I don't want to deal with the repercussions of having a Chicken McNugget Happy Meal instead of a Weight Watchers Smart Ones frozen dinner as my quick, easy, lazy option.  And then I'm proud when I get up the next morning and I'm a pound lighter than I was yesterday.

I'm being really honest with myself and everyone in my life about what I'm doing.  It's holding me accountable.  And I'm really happy to be able to report my weight loss when someone asks me how it's going.  I don't feel like I'm depriving myself too much.  The most difficult part (other than trying to convince myself to workout...I'm not very convincing) has been reducing my carbs.  I miss pasta more than anything else.  I haven't given up pasta/carbs all together, but there's been a huge reduction.  I was reading about a low carb pasta made by a company called Dreamfields.  You better believe that's the first item on my grocery list for today.  Not that I can feast on a bowl of low carb angel hair, but at least I have less guilt having it as a small side with something else.

My mother in law has joined the site that I'm using and called me last night to talk about how it works.  It's sort of like Facebook, in that you have something very similar to the fb Wall, where you can post little blurbs.  When you weigh in and complete your food/exercise journals for the day, it posts to your Wall.  You can "friend" people and help to encourage one another.  There's also a number of forums/message boards where you can ask questions, share recipes, etc.  So, if you're interested in joining, search for me by my email address and we can be buddies!  The name of the site is MyFitnessPal and it's super easy to use.

Oh, and PS, since I've been on this new eating plan (it's not a diet - diets end...This is a lifestyle change!), my skin is so much prettier!!!!  I don't know if it's the lack of crap going in or the increase in water consumption, but I've got so much less breakouts!  Awesome side effect!

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