Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I'm praying for a miracle

My best friend & her 2 month old son need your help.  I can't do this alone. 

Yesterday, Eli (the baby) was hurt.  His father was feeding him and the baby fell from his arms.  He hit his head and lost consciousness and subsequently stopped breathing.  By the time the ambulance had arrived, there was a significant loss of oxygen to the brain.  They performed emergency surgery yesterday to relieve the hemmoraging and swelling, but things are not looking good.  Eli is in critical condition in the PICU and the doctors are not giving him much of a chance to get through this.  There is zero brain activity and he's hooked up to a bunch of machines, including a ventilator.  Tomorrow morning, they're planning to take him off of the vent to see if he will breathe on his own.

This poor little baby.  He's so perfect and tiny and the closest I will ever come to having a nephew.  And my best friend - I cannot even begin to imagine the terror that she's going through right now.  I only know how helpless I feel; being the best friend and seeing how much pain she is in and not being able to do anything to help her.  I don't know how to help her, other than to be there for her and continue to let her know that I love her and I'm praying with all my heart for her and her son.

I can't begin to know what you all believe or what you can do, but any positivity you can offer is most appreciated.  Prayers, positive vibes, good karma - she & Eli need it badly.  I'm being as strong as I possibly can for her and I know she feels hopeless right now, but I just have to have faith.  I'm praying for a miracle tonight.

1 comment:

  1. I can't stop thinking about them, and I'm praying with all my might. Love you to pieces!
