Thursday, April 21, 2011

Yep, I did it again

I was doing so well!  Staying on top of my blog.  Giving updates and little tidbits.  And then my 30 day challenge threw me a curveball and I disappeared again.  :-P  I'll get back on that wagon soon.  But today, I have something special to talk about.

I know I've said it many times before, but this time, there is no choice.  I'm taking control of my health.  About three weeks ago, I had an appointment at the doctor to have some labwork done.  My prescriptions had run out and the doctor wasn't going to give me refills until I'd come in and had my glucose levels checked.  So I obediently had my levels checked and they were off the charts.  From October to March, my A1C level (which is a measurement of your glucose % levels over a 2-3 month period and should be under 7) had gone from 7.2 to 12.2.  My blood sugar was over 300, and should have been somewhere around 120.

The next day, the office called me back and said that my doctor wanted to see me to discuss going on insulin.

Pause.  Let's rewind a minute.  Almost six years ago, I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes.  I was put on a low dose of a medication called metformin, that is supposed to help lower your glucose levels and the hope was that I would lose a little weight and the blood sugar issues would go away.  Unfortunately, that was not the case.  I didn't understand the seriousness of diabetes.  I didn't make the life changes that were necessary to make this issue go away.  I continued to eat and live in the same way I had been for the 24 years previous.

Over the next six years, I continued to see my doctor regularly and for a while, things were under control.  But I'd say after I got married and then more recently, when we bought our house, it just continued to get worse and worse.  That initial medication that I was taking is now at the highest dosage, plus I take the highest dosage of two other medications that are supposed to do the same thing.

So, now, like I said - the doctor wants to have me go on insulin.  And in that moment, it hit me.  Who wants to inject themselves every day?  Especially if you can do something to change it!  So, I'm making changes in my life.  I'm learning more about diabetes, I'm trying to change my eating habits and learn how to make more healthy meals.  I haven't quite bridged the gap of exercise, but maybe I'll get there soon.

That being said, since I've started my new way of life, I've lost six pounds.  In the big picture, that's peanuts.  But all things considered, I think that's an awesome start to this uphill battle.  This weekend, with the holiday that's centered around an enormous meal, filled with things that I just love, may be a challenge.  But I can do it! 

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Weight Loss Tools


  1. Any weight loss is a huge accomplishment and you should be proud! Keep up the good work, lady! :)

  2. You CAN do it! I feel like you're approaching this in such a positive way. Good for you! And I have heard nothing but good things about that Wii Fit. Do you guys have the Wii? Maybe see if that makes excercise more fun. I see the squiggly line under that word. I'm leaving it, because that shows just how little I know about this take it with a grain of salt LoL Love you!!!
