Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Old Friend

On my way to work yesterday, this song was playing. I heard the tail end of it and was immediately in tears. It really is so appropriate...

Last week was a bit rough. I spent most of Monday in tears. My whole drive home from work that night, I sobbed. I tried to talk it out, hoping that Opa would hear the words, wherever he is. Tuesday was a little better. I took the rest of the week off and spent a couple days at home with my parents and Omi. My mom and Omi are both handling the loss so much better than I thought either of them would. Granted, three days had passed between his passing and the first day I'd seen them. Perhaps they had cried it all out, too. Or maybe they were both just putting on brave faces for me. It's been over a week and while I do still have my moments where I just want to bury my face in a pillow and cry, I'm doing okay.

We haven't had a service or anything yet. My grandparents both decided that they want to be cremated. I believe Omi has an urn at home. She wants to have a very small, "by invitation only" memorial service. I don't know when it's going to be or what she plans to do.

I guess every day gets a little easier. If I just stay busy and don't think about it, everything's okay. But then I have a moment like this where I hear a song and I feel so sad all over again. I miss and love him very much...


  1. Big giant hugs. It does get better I promise.

  2. Day to Day will get easier. There are some big things that may take years to get back to normal. Just give it time.
    Love ya!
