Thursday, June 9, 2011

Two Months & 30 pounds

Yesterday, I hit a weightloss of 30 pounds.  Yay!

I've been going at it for just over 8 weeks and I really am feeling good about myself.  I'm noticing that I'm not so completely winded after going up a flight or two of stairs.  I have the energy to walk across the parking lot, instead of driving around looking for the closest one (although, I have to admit, I will take a front spot if it's there on my first pass). 

My success is largely contributed to  I've been using it to track my calories & carbs and the exercise I've been doing (Yes, you read that right...More about working out later).  I'm really proud of myself for committing to the changes that I decided to make. 

For the most part, it's been pretty easy.  I don't ever feel like I'm starving myself.  I'm not forcing myself to eat foods that taste like tree bark and dog food.  There are a few things that I used to eat pretty religiously that I haven't had in two months.  Things like chips and apple juice.  But also carbs - they are my absolute favorite thing to eat - pasta, potatoes, bread - but they're bad news, for the most part.  So, I've started eating whole grain breads, which aren't bad.  Baked sweet potatoes and mashed cauliflower have been pretty good substitutes for the higher white potato versions.  And pasta...Well, that's the biggest kicker.  I think if I had to choose one food to live on for the rest of eternity, I would choose noodles in some form - probably Omi's spaetzle.  So when I chose to go low carb for diabetes reasons, I knew this was going to be the worst part for me.  I tried whole wheat pasta and that's okay, but still not quite the same.  And then I learned about a product called Dreamfield's Low Carb Pasta.  And I heard the angels sing.  :-)  The stuff tastes, looks, behaves like regular old pasta.  But it's much better for you, if you're a diabetic.  Higher fiber and a lower glycemic index. 

So, more about that sweating business...I hate it.  I absolutely hate every minute of it.  My favorite part is when the trainer on the video tells me I'm all done.  But then I feel good about it.  I know the sweat that's dripping off of me is bringing me closer to my goals.  I purchased two videos - The Biggest Loser vol. 1 & Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred.  Bob Harper is the trainer on the first one and I like him so much better than Jillian.  I alternate workouts - 1 day of cardio with Bob, 1 day of strength with Bob, 1 day of Jillian and then a day of rest.  In an average week, I'm working out 30 minutes/day, 6 days/week.  And despite hating it for those 30 minutes, when it's all done, I am SO glad that I did.  I feel proud that I'm doing something positive for myself. 

And some non-scale-victories that I've had:
1. My jeans are all fitting much looser.  I'm pretty sure most of the 30lbs that I've lost has come from my ass and hips.  I think I'm going to treat myself to a new outfit this week.
2. Some of my coworkers have noticed a difference and have told me that they can see my face looks thinner.  Looks the same to me, but I stare at the damn thing for much longer than they do.  :-)
3. My health is improving.  Two weeks ago, I went to the doctor for a followup to starting on the insulin.  The nurse who weighed me and the doctor were floored that I'd lost so much weight in such a short period of time.  But more importantly, two of the oral medications that I'm on (that were maxxed out) have been cut in half.  My blood sugar is in the normal range.  AND!  My blood pressure (which is usually high when I go to the doctor) was normal for my last two appointments.
4. Finally, I FEEL better.  I always kind of thought it was bullshit when people would say 'I feel so much better now that I've lost weight.  I have more energy.  I feel more positive.'  I thought it was all in their heads.  And maybe it is.  But it's in MY head now, too.  :-)

My goal is to lose 10 pounds per month. I think that's a pretty achievable goal.  I joined a challenge group on MFP that helps everyone doing it to keep motivated and held accountable.  It's a 12 week challenge and you set mini goals along the way.  At the end of the challenge (September 1st), I hope to be down 30 more pounds! 

And hey, if you're jumping on the weightloss bandwagon, check out My Fitness Pal.  Look me up (username: jagrib0112)!  I'll be your friend!  :-)

1 comment:

  1. "It's in MY head now, too!" I LOVE THIS. I'm so proud of you!!! <3
