Sunday, February 8, 2009

Obligatory Intro

It can't be that hard to start a blog, right? You just give them your email address (Check!), come up with a quirky title (Er...Check?), and start typing....Right?

Unless you feel like you have something that you're supposed to be typing about? I mean, who really cares about my weekend? Friday, came home from work, smoked down, watched a movie, made Hubby's lunch and then saw him off to work. Went to bed early and slept until 7:30 Saturday morning. Got up, smoked again, played video games for a while and then had some breakfast. Watched about 5 episodes of Flip This House, watched some CRAZY ass version of Alice in Wonderland and went to bed at 6pm. Slept until 5am. Smoked again. Played some more video games, showered, went to Menard's for a new shower head (WooHoo!) and then came back home for Hubby to play the game some more. Not sure I remember what I was doing during this time. Maybe Facebook stalking. Went to Sears and had our taxes done by a moron, who was either hitting on my husband or thought that I was dumber than a box of rocks. Talking to me like I'm the idiot. He's the one that thought software was two words. Went for dinner to the Olive Garden, got a phone call from someone that used to be a friend, rolled my eyes at her voicemail and came home. And here we are. Seriously...11 hours of sleep on Saturday night? No wonder it's Monday morning before I blink an eye.

Hubby is going to start on 2nd shift this week. I'm QUITE excited about this. I won't have to tiptoe around the house anymore, for fear of waking his cranky ass up. And I can wash dishes and laundry and go to bed at 8pm, if I feel like it. He'll be working 2-10. I hope that he decides to go to bed when he comes home and then get up in the morning and be awake during the day. When he was on 2nd shift before, he slept all day long and stayed up at night when he got home. That sucked. But I suppose it can't be much worse than working 10pm - 6am. That's what he was doing before and it really was horrible. He was such a crab ass when he'd get up. Every little thing would send him off the handle. I'm glad I won't be around for that part of the day anymore.

My job is great - I work in quality control for a software development company. After new features are put into the code, I test it to make sure that it works the way that it's supposed to. I also prepare the software to go to different customers. And I coordinate the different releases. And I answer the phone. And I play on facebook. And check my email - about 5-10 times a day. And I look for new recipes. And I research clothing that I want to buy. And shoes. And jewelry. And makeup. And whatever else I can do to pass the time. I'm not feeling challenged at work. So, I started taking programming classes, in the hope that they'll bump me to up a programmer - or someone in between programmer and tester. Something that'll keep my busy, as well as pay me a bit more. Ideally, I'd quit this job, leave the programming classes behind and go to a culinary school. I love to cook. And I hadn't really realized how MUCH I enjoy doing it until recently. I love to try new recipes and taste different types of food. I can't imagine how much i would enjoy cooking as my full time job. Maybe one day, if we come into some large sum of money, I'll go to culinary school...Maybe even in some far off land, like downtown. lol

My husband and I have been together for over 8 years, married for almost 2 and a half. If someone had told me ten years ago that I was going to be married to this man, I would've told you to blow it out your ass. But here I am! :-) He's an alright guy...Drives me kinda batty most of the time. I'm sure I'll have plenty to say about him in the future. Just know that no matter what I might say to the contrary, I do love the big p-i-m-a.

No kids, as of right now. I want them, badly. I feel like we just keep getting older, and the idea slips further away. Hubby says we're not ready for them, but like I've heard from many people, when are you ever really ready for kids? My parents were 30 when they had me, and I felt like they were old when I was growing up. Thirty is 3 years away. Sometimes, that doesn't sound like such a big deal. And then other times, it sounds like it's an eternity. Perhaps right now is not the BEST time for having a baby, but soon, please...

We do have a couple kitties, whom I'll be happy to post pics of - just you wait. We have a brand new house, that we love very much. I can't wait til it gets a bit warmer outside. Then we can grill and hang out outside (Yeah right! Hubby will not leave his computer for anything less than a nap or money. I'll have to bribe him. lol). At any rate, I'll be happy when we can actually get to know some of the neighbors. We had some people move in next door back in October - they have since moved out and there's a lock box on the front door. Wonder what happened there... Hubby said maybe they all died in a car crash...Nice.

I think that's all the important stuff. House, cats, Hubby, job, blah blah blah...Yep.

I'm going to look for a website that has blog ideas. Topics, if you will. Like, what are your thoughts warming? Or Miley Cyrus' latest boy toy? Or last week's episode of Lost! (Of those three, Lost is the only one you'll ever read about here...)



  1. DO. NOT. GO. TO. CULINARY SCHOOL. Chef=no good. No time at home, no time with kids, no holidays, no weekends, high stress, career with highest rate of substance abuse. DO NOT. Why didn't you ask me about this? Having cooking as a hobby, a passion? I completely support that! But keep having it as an occupation just a dream. It's much better that way, and probably more glamorous. :)

  2. lol I just saw that you commented today. Wow, why don't you tell me how you really feel? :-)

    Yeah, I'll probably never do it, and yes, I'm definitely glamorizing it. I see Top Chef and all the cooking shows and imagine how wonderful it would be to have my own restaurant. But you obviously have much more experience with this career than I.

  3. Did your neighbors really die in a car crash?

  4. No - I don't think they did. But you never know. One day they were living there, their massive van parked right in front of my house, and the next day, the house was empty. Hubby's not a very positive-thinking kinda guy, so this is a typical response from him. There's now a For Sale sign in the yard, so it looks like the developer took the house back or something..?
