Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A little more positive this time...

Last time I posted, things were a little cryptic and if nothing else, I came off depressed. For good reason...I was feeling depressed.

Things have hopefully started to turn around, though. So, I'm feeling a lot more positive. Which is really kind of odd because I really should be more worried.

Last week, we got a letter from the bank saying that our escrow account wasn't paid into enough for the last year and when they paid our taxes and insurance this summer, it resulted in a $2700 shortage. No, I'm not missing a decimal point. The shortage is a combination of an increase in our taxes this year, as well as stupidity on my part. When we refinanced the house last year, they sent us a check for about half of our now shortage, saying that we'd OVERPAID our escrow account with the old bank, so here's a chunk of money for you to do as you like. I should have realized that there is no such thing as overpaying your escrow account and just put that check into the new escrow account. But I did not. I cashed the check and paid bills with it. So, in order to make up for the current shortage, as well as build up the escrow for next summer's taxes, our mortgage payment is going to go up by about $400/month. I don't know about you, but I certainly don't have an extra $400 just laying around in my bank accounts every month.

I immediately went to Hubby and told him we have a situation with our finances and asked him if he had any suggestions as to how we could remedy this. We went to the bank and are trying to refi his carnote, which will be a huge help. And GET THIS! Hubby applied for a bunch of different jobs on Saturday. And........Wait for it.......HE HAS AN INTERVIEW THIS AFTERNOON!!!!!! This job sounds like it'd be something that he'd really enjoy. It's mechanical and pays fairly well.

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