Saturday, March 20, 2010

Well, I'll be darned!

I should do this every Saturday morning...Plop myself down in front of the computer and catch up on the blogs that I really enjoy reading. Share a little bit of what's going on with me. Enjoy the quiet of the morning. It's not really early, but Hubby's still sleeping and the cats aren't fighting and the tv isn't on yet. It's just me and the clickity click of my keyboard. It's a nice feeling...

Anyway, in my catching up on some blogs, I found out that I've been given an award! Yay me! :-)

Thank you, Dark Cloud Nine for the award. I appreciate the recognition and the sentiment behind it!

As an awardee, I am to share 15 other blogs that I feel deserve the award. Fifteen might be a challenge...I recently cleaned out my blog list. There were a lot of blogs that I had on my list that I just didn't feel interested in. Have you heard of taking "friendventory"? I guess you can say, I took "blogventory." I'll get as close to 15 as I can, how's that? :-) Some don't update as often as they should (sorta like me, I guess)...But they're still definitely worth reading.

Ashley's Closet
It Happens
Love Letters By Cora
Sticks and Stones
The Dumbest Smart Girl You Know
When I Grow Up
Everyday Adventures
I Should Be Folding Laundry
488 Miles Away
Primary Source

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