Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A New Beginning

My last post on my old blog was just over 6 months ago.  So very many things in my life have changed since then....I decided that it was time for a new start.  A fresh beginning.  A whole new blog. 

I've imported the old posts and comments from my old blog.  Feel free to read thru them to see the girl that I used to be.  From this point on, I'm a new woman.  I'm moving on with life.  I'm the new hotness.

My life has been incredibly tumultuous over the last few months.  In April 2011, I decided that I was tired of being morbidly obese.  I was slowly killing myself.  My body was breaking down.  I was a diabetic on three oral medications to try to control my sugar.  I was put on insulin to try and do the same thing.  I took another oral medication to control the acid reflux that I'd developed from eating CRAP for years and years.  I was at a maximum weight of 373lbs on a 5'5" frame.  I was mentally beaten down.  I was physically exhausted.  I was emotionally absent.  I was miserable with life. 

My solution to the weight problem was not a fad diet or paying money to weight watchers, initially, it was the idea that I would get weight loss surgery.  I would allow a doctor to remove a large section of my stomach because I felt like I was unable to control myself.  I told myself that I'd put on all the weight and gotten so out of control because being fat is an addiction, just like drugs or alcohol.  Except that with food, you can't just cut it out of your life.  You have to eat to live.  So, to me, WLS was the way to go.  I talked to my doctor and she agreed that this was a good idea.  She referred me to a surgeon and I talked with my insurance.  The company that I'm with requires that you do a six month doctor supervised weight loss program (ie DIET) before they will approve you for surgery.  So, since I was going to have to wait the six months, I decided that I was going to really put my all into it.

I came across a website called www.myfitnesspal.com and was instantly into it.  It's a food and exercise logging tool, but maybe just as important, it's a social networking site.  Which kept me coming back for more.  In the beginning, I was losing about 20lbs a month.  I got into exercising.  I made some true friends all over the globe.  And the weight started falling off. 

Fast forward to six months later, to October.  I was down about 110lbs and had decided that I no longer needed to the weight loss surgery.  I was still in the obese category, but had proved to myself that I *can* do this on my own.  That the right way to do it was not to have surgery, but to put in the hard work and earn it.  I don't have an addiction.  I have a laziness issue.  I have a 'I like to eat' issue.  I have a boredom eating issue.  I now realize that and have changed my eating habits. 

At the end of December, down 130lbs, I went back to the first doctor who'd agreed that WLS was the way to go and she was floored by how much I'd lost.  Obviously, I wouldn't be having the surgery.  And not only that, I was taken off of ALL medications.  I no longer am dependent upon pills to keep my sugar in line.  I have learned to keep everything in line by diet alone.  And I couldn't be more proud.

I would like to lose another 30 lbs or so and then reevaluate whether or not I want to lose more.  I do know that eventually, I will need to have surgery to remove the loose, hanging skin that 20 years of being so heavy has done to me.  But that's a ways off.  I'm so incredibly happy with my progress.  Something that I thought was impossible is within reach and I've done it all on my own.

I have much more to talk about, this is just a tip of the iceberg.  But rather than making one enormous post, I'm going to break it up into major events.  Come back tomorrow for the next installment in the saga that has become my life.

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